
The Vision of The Nasirian Group of School, Academic programme exists not only in the quality of its offerings or the ability of its teachers but also for the students while both are components of a flourishing and board programme, other -wise can guarantee its success, Rather, the programme 's strength resides in the attitude , the ethos that fills each class period, each singular exchange of thoughts between faculty and students, classes are places where respect for one another, for the free exchange of thoughts of ideas and opinions is the most prized commodity. Within a traditional , rigorous school course of study, the students of TNGOS are encouraged to be curious involved, active learner, for the teachers with whom they work understand that the success of any educational pursuit lies in the vigour and commitment that students bring to it, The acquisition of knowledge and skill, through critical to our mission, but a component of.

Co-ordination Between home and school

To be successful in its efforts, the school needs the supports and cooperation of parents and guardians, to assist each child in developing within himself/herself a strong foundation of habits, attitudes, values and skills.

The responsibility of developing the children's character and stimulating the intellect belong not only to the school but to the community as a whole. The school and home must coordinate, communicate plan and help each other to enthuse and motivate children to become good and smart.

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